Pine Harbour Marina is on the Pōhutukawa Coast. It provides a sheltered harbour for yachts on the edge of the Tāmaki Strait and is next to the seaside Auckland suburb of Beachlands. Access is from Whitford Maraetai Road on Jack Lachlan Drive. The marina was developed in 1988, after the area escaped an earlier proposal for an oil refinery, which was instead built at Marsden Point near Whangarei. The marina was followed by the opening of the Formosa Golf Club in 1997.
From Downtown Auckland, Pine Harbour can be reached on a regular 30-minute ferry service. The marina has several cafes/restaurants, and a walk is enjoyable, especially at sunset. It can also be used as the starting point for a cycle ride or walk along the Beachlands to Maraetai Walkway. From the ferry terminal, walk or bike along the Belisi Way, the coastal track, towards Puriri Road and Second View Avenue. Follow the avenue east to Leigh Auton Reserve, then to Ōmana and Maraetai.
Other options from the terminal include 20 to 30 minute walks to Motukaraka Island or the attractive beaches at Sunkist Bay and Shelly Bay.