Te Ara Hura, Southwest Coast to Oneroa

Hauraki Gulf Islands

Te Ara Hura, Southwest Coast to Oneroa

Te Ara Hura means “Discover the Way” and connects a series of walking tracks and roads, creating an 87-km trail loop around much of Waiheke Island. The entire circuit takes 4 to 6 days to walk, but there are many access points, and you can pick and choose walks of no more than an hour.

Creating the trails was a local effort, and they are now among the best in the Auckland region. Plus, you can visit the odd winery, restaurant, or cafe and stay in comfortable surroundings every night!

The first section of the trail starts in Matiatia Bay by the Ferry Terminal at the east end of Waiheke. From there, you can go northwest around the bay or southwest, with both tracks ultimately bringing you to Oneroa.

Taking the southwest option, walk along Matiatia Beach, then head west to Whutumatarau Point through the regenerating forest above the Hauraki Gulf. Several excellent viewpoints include views of Downtown Auckland, Motutapu, Rangitoto, and Motuihe Islands. The track drops towards the coastline and heads south to Te Miro Bay. You can head inland to connect with Nick Johnstone Drive, which goes to several wineries and Oneroa. Alternatively, you can keep going south on the track to Church Bay, Cable Bay, and Park Point (Te Roreoaimaea). Due to slips, you can only get around Church Bay at low tide. From Park Point, loop north to connect with Chrich Bay Road, the wineries and Oneroa.

In late summer, from around 24 February through March, the annual Sculpture on the Gulf display is held on the section of the track overlooking Matiatia Bay. Much of the track is dirt, so it can be muddy in Winter.

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