Ōmana Regional Park is located southeast of Auckland, between Beachlands and Maraetai. The park is one of the 28 substantial regional parks owned by Auckland City. The park is 41 hectares, of which half is used for grazing sheep and the rest for recreation. The road access is from Ōmana Esplanade, off Maraetai Drive, on the park's east side. The road crosses the park, with ample parking and a picnic area above Ōmana Beach near the entrance and a second area near the top of the hill. Continuing along the road takes you to the Cliff Top Campground on the park's northwest side.
The park sits on a mostly grassed hill that rises above the seaward cliffs. The main grazing area is on the park's south side, and the main recreational area is on the downward slope facing north. The highest point is about 40 meters above sea level, with fabulous uninterrupted views from Maraetai to Beachlands. Looking seaward, there are views of Rangitoto and Waiheke in the Hauraki Gulf, on the other side of Tāmaki Strait.
There are several tracks, the most interesting being the northern section of the Perimeter Track between the picnic area and Te Puru Creek. This follows the line of the cliffs closely, with several spectacular viewpoints. Take care as there is no protection in some places. You can also follow the Beachlands to Maraetai Walkway (required for cyclists), the southern part of the perimeter track, which includes a mature strip of forest, and the Farm Track, which crosses the main sheep grazing paddocks. The Lookout Walk is a shorter option.
The park is primarily grassed paddocks, with several areas where native trees have been planted on the north side. Mature pōhutukwa trees dominate the cliff edges, with the odd big pōhutukwa and puriri tree around the paddocks.
Below the northside cliffs is an extensive rocky platform that can be accessed from Ōmana Beach as the tide retreats. This greywacke rock is up to 200 million years old. It looks entirely different from the cliff's yellow and orange softer sandstone and mudstones, a mere 20 million years old. The remains of sun-bleached and salt water-washed pōhutukawas that have fallen from the eroding cliff edge are another striking feature below the cliffs.
Ōmana Regional Park was a traditional home for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki. Ōmana comes from Ōmanawatere, which means "The Place of Manawatere," Manawatere was a Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki ancestor from Hawaiki. The legend says he glided over the waves rather than paddling a waka and arrived before his family. He marked a big pōhutukawa tree with red clay at Tūwakamana (Cockle Bay) as the place to land. The Omanawatere pā site can be found on the Perimeter Track, marked by a deep defensive ditch.
The park was part of the 40,000 acres acquired by William Fairburn from Ngāi Tai in the late 1830s, which the government reduced by 85% in the 1840s as excessive. He established Maraetai Mission Station here, which operated from 1837 to 1842 and was one of the first farms in eastern Auckland. The kauri forest covering the park and surrounding area to Beachlands and Maraetai was cut down, clearing the land for farming. Kauri trees cut in the Maraetai hills behind Ōmana were transported by bullock teams to the sea and then floated to mills in Auckland. The park area was also dug for kauri gum and even prospected for gold.
Ōmana was farmed from the establishment of the mission until March 1970, when Auckland City purchased it for use as a regional park.