Pākiri Beach

North Auckland

A beautiful 14 km-long white sand surf beach, Pākiri Beach, is on the Auckland coast west of Cape Rodney and Goat Island. The beach sits on the east side of the Pakiri River mouth, which flows into the Pacific Ocean. In 2005, Auckland City purchased 178 hectares with three km of beachfront, which became Pakiri Regional Park.

The beach is perfect for swimming, surfing, kayaking on the river, and fishing. Horse riding is another activity in Pakiri, a unique way to explore the beach. Check out Pakiri Beach Horse Rides.

The area is named for the Ngati Wai chief, Te Kiri and his pā at the head of the river, hence Pākiri. The beach was Nga One Haea o Pākiri, meaning the Gleaming White Sands of Pākiri.

The easiest access is from Leigh on scenic Pākiri Road. The last section of Pākiri Road is gravel and can be rough. When you reach the tiny hamlet of Pākiri, take the gravel Pākiri River Road. Drive past the commercial campground and park by the access track. Follow the track to the beach for 10 minutes around the lagoon's edge, including a steam crossing. Te Araroa also comes down the beach from Mangawhai Walkway and Te Ārai in the north, then crosses the river mouth to Pākiri River Road.

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