Kauri Point Domain

North Auckland

Kauri Point Domain is a large park and reserve on the northwest side of Auckland’s Waitematā Harbour, between Onetaugo Bay and Soldiers Bay, west of Chatswood. A military armaments facility separates it from Kauri Point Centennial Park.

The domain is an exception among the various reserves and parks of the North Shore; despite its name, there are no kauri trees on the main trail. These were all cut down long ago, and mature exotic pines now dominate the reserve. Smaller attached parks - Muriel Fisher and Kauri Park - have kauri, but the tracks are closed.

Despite lacking kauri, the domain is a popular walking destination with several easy, connected tracks. The main walk from the car park on Balmain Road takes you to superb views from the cliff between attractive Kirkpatrick Beach and Soldiers Bay. Then, walk down to the beach, perfect for swimming or hanging out.

A side track takes you into the mangroves and salt marsh towards Island Bay Road on the north side of Soldiers Bay. The bay is unusual, with a mix of salt marsh, freshwater swamp forest, and a small podocarp forest.

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