Wainui Bush Park is a 7.2-hectare park next to Wainui Reserve, a large farm park managed by the Waikato District Council that sits on the hills between Wainui Road and Ngarunui Beach near Raglan. There are several short loop trails through replanted and regenerating native forest and attractive picnic areas. The park was established to restore coastal forest lost to farming. A feature of some trails is the small memorial plaques that record people past and present who have supported the park's establishment.
The entrance to the park is off Wainui Road, just before the turnoff to Ngarunui Beach Road, with parking next to the entrance. The lower section of the park is flat, and the trails are short, easy loops through the forest with bridges over two attractive streams. An attractive grassed picnic area is on the park's south side. The trails then climb the hill, with steep sections and further short loops. You can exit the park from the Ridge Walk on the southwest side onto Ngarunui Beach Road and walk another 300 metres to the Four Compass Directions Sculpture at the top of the hill. From there, it is a short walk downhill to the beach.