Tāwharanui Regional Park

East Auckland

Tāwharanui Regional Park

At 600 hectares, Tāwharanui Regional Park is one of the largest of Auckland City’s 28 Regional Parks. Between Matakana and Omaha, it occupies most of the Tāwharanui Peninsula on the Matakana Coast. Fabulous Anchor Bay and nearby camping are on the Peninsula's north side. Several trails can be done as loops, including the superb Ecology Trail, which only takes about an hour.

Like many other regional parks, it was previously a farm. The city initially purchased it from private ownership in the early 1970s and established it as a farm park. Substantial planting of native trees, especially around what is now the forested section of the Ecology Trail, took place in the 1980s.

In the 1990s, the idea of turning the park into an “open sanctuary” for native birds while retaining public access and a working farm was investigated and implemented. This resulted in a predator-proof fence across the Peninsula. Access is by car through an automatic gate. This was followed by more planting and the elimination of mammal pests.

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The sanctuary programme has been incredibly successful. Today, along the forest section of the Ecology Trail, there is a large population of korimako (bellbirds). These birds were extinct around the Auckland mainland for many decades. It is also easy to see rare tīeke and takahē, numerous kererū, native robins, dotterels and several other species. There is even a place recommended for seeing kiwi in the evening!

After Tiritiri Matangi, it is easily the best place in Auckland to see rare native birds in the wild. It is also easier to get to if you have a car. From Warkworth, take Matakana Road to Matakana, then Leigh Road towards Leigh. After 1.5 km, turn right onto Takatu Road and follow this to the Anchor Bay car park, inside the regional park.

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