Pauanui Trig Track North Side


At the south end of Pauanui Beach on the Coromandel is 397-metre Pauanui Hill. The Pauanui Trig Track goes to the rocky volcanic pinnacle, with superb views. It can be done up and back on the north side (2 hours) or as a loop (2.5 hours). The north side of the Pauanui Trig Track is one of the tougher short hikes in the Coromandel east coast region.

The climb up is steep, and the track is sometimes tramping grade, heavily worn and rutted in several places. The first 280 metres are especially tough before it eases up a bit for the final section to the peak.

Along the way, the mix of exotic pines and native regrowth provides some excellent viewpoints. Put the desire to get it over with aside and watch out for these!

The payoff is the outstanding 270-degree views from the rocky volcanic pinnacle. Take in Pauanui, Tairua, and the Coromandel Range, including the Pinnacles. There is the bonus of a bench for a breather, and it’s a great place to settle for a picnic if the weather is reasonable. You can also walk through the scrub to the highpoint trig, although the view is more constrained.

From there, head back the same way or take the track marked Cave Bay down the east side of Pauanui Hill. As a rule, we would recommend doing the loop starting from the east side as it is an easier climb.

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