Ototoka Beach


Ototoka Beach is the most remote beach on the northwest stretch of the Whanganui to Taranaki coast. You can get there from Kai Iwi by taking Handley Road to Ototoka Beach Road (mostly metal roads), or by taking State Highway 3 to Maxwell Station Road (sealed), then connecting with Ototoka Beach Road.

Access to the beach is through a relatively narrow gap between the cliffs. The gap has been ground out by a stream that includes a modest waterfall. There is a nice view from the top of the cliff and room to camp, then a short steep track from the lower car park that crosses in front of the waterfall down to the beach.

With cliffs on either side, rock full of fossilised seashells and the inevitable jumble of driftwood, this is a wonderful, unique, remote place. But be careful if you decide to go for a swim!

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