Ecology Trail – Forest

East Auckland

Ecology Trail – Forest

The Ecology Trail, from the forest entrance off the North Coast Track at Tāwharanui Regional Park, starts in forest regrowth, including kauri trees. It winds its way downhill to a gully with a modest stream. At this stage, the forest is notably more mature, old puriri trees being particularly conspicuous. From the track junction at the stream, you can head east on Fishermans Track or west through the main section of the forest along the Ecology Trail, then through wetlands before exiting near the beach.

The forest is attractive, but the bird life is the main reason for this walk. In about half an hour, including stopping and taking photos, you will likely see numerous rare native birds alongside the more common tūī and pīwakawaka (fantails). Kererū and korimako are numerous (extinct in mainland Auckland for many decades), while it is quite easy to see exceedingly rare takahe and very rare tīeke (saddlebacks). Plus, there are native robins, bitterns, and various species of native ducks and other water birds. Try to walk carefully and quietly, as these birds are often just a few metres away.

The full loop takes over an hour and a half. A quick alternative is to walk into the forest as far as the junction and return the same way, which takes about 40 minutes.

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