Mountains to Sea – Upokongaro to Whanganui

Mountains to Sea

From Upokongaro, it’s just 19km along the Mountains to Sea Cycle Trail to the coast and the Whanganui River mouth. You start by crossing to the west side of the river on a purpose-built cycle bridge just south of Upokongaro. From there, the route is sometimes a purpose-built track and sometimes on the road and mainly follows the riverbank to and through Whanganui to North Mole. This marks the official end of the track.

There are plenty of distractions along the way, especially as you reach the city. Whanganui is a fabulous place to visit in its own right and is easy to cycle around.

Unfortunately, North Mole is at the end of an older industrial section of Whanganui, and it’s several km to ride back to the town centre. But it is pretty at sunset, and Castlecliff Beach is immediately to the northwest. This is a remarkable and wild beach strewn with driftwood and pumice.

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