Te Koko-o-Kupe Cloudy Bay


Te Koko-o-Kupe Cloudy Bay

Te Koko-o-Kupe Cloudy Bay is a 30 km long crescent bay at the north end of the South Island, between the Marlborough Sounds and White Bluffs. The best spot to explore the bay’s beach is from Rarangi, on Rarangi Road at the bay's north end.

The easiest access to Rarangi is from State Highway 1, between Blenheim and Picton. Turning towards the bay at Tuamarina, take Hunters Road, then Pembers Road, towards Rarangi. As you approach the bay, you will see a sign for Blue Gum Corner. There is direct access to the beach here.

Continue north along Rarangi Road to the campsite beside the beach at Rarangi or to the car park at the far end of the beach and bay. You can also continue into the Marlborough Sounds on Port Underwood Road.

The bay is not the best place to swim, but there is a good swimming beach at Pukatea / Whites Bay, about 5 km along Port Underwood Road.

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