


Tūātapere straddles the Waiau River about 10 km north of Te Wawae Bay in Southland and is the only town between Riverton / Aparima and Manapouri on the Southern Scenic Route. It also sits near the southeastern edge of Fiordland and is the gateway to the Hump Ridge Track, one of the Great Walks, and the rugged South Coast Track. These tracks are accessed from Papatotara Coast Road at the west end of Te Waewae Bay. Heading north from Tuātapere on the Southern Scenic Route, you can also access Fiordland at Lake Hauroko, Lake Monowai and Borland Road.

Like other towns in this part of Southland, Tuātepere was more substantial. It was the centre for the extensive logging of ancient forests across the region, with a rail connection to Invercargill. The town has suffered as local industry declined, with most of the focus moving to less intensive farming. However, its gateway position has helped, and the local logging museum is a feature. It is also the self-proclaimed Sausage Capital of New Zealand! There is a grocery store (where you can get the sausages), cafes and galleries, and accommodations to support travellers.

The biggest surprise, however, is the excellent town walking tracks. There is a significant mature forest stand in the Tuātapere Scenic Reserve on the northwest side of the river, with access by foot or on Elder Drive from the highway. Access to the smaller Green Heart Reserve is between the Memorial Library and the large Hump Ridge Track panel as you enter the town centre from the north. You can also walk along the river from the bridge, and views from the bridge on a calm day are superb.

Heading south through the town, you will see the historic railway station, some old wagons, and some small surviving railway cottages. The line operated from the early 1900s until 1976, when the segment between Riverton and Tuātapere was closed. Hopefully, the town will be able to do a bit more with this history in the future.

If you want to learn more about the history of this part of the Southland and Fiordland regions, visit eHive, an online digital archive.

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