Temple Viewpoint Track

Mackenzie Country

Temple Viewpoint Track

Temple Viewpoint Track is a one-hour loop on the side of Ram Hill. It starts immediately north of Temple Campsite and car park in Ruataniwha Conservation Park. Follow the sign near the Campsite shelter to the start of the track. From there, it climbs 120 metres through a beech forest, with some steep steps and tree damage in places.

At the top, it crosses several open areas dominated by highland shrubs and bushes. This includes a particularly stunning section of bracken ferns. These open areas also provide fabulous views up Temple Valley to Steeple, Belfry, and Temple Peaks and across the Hopkins Valley to the Ben Ōhau Range. The various peaks are over 2,000 metres and have some snow coverage from autumn through spring.

You re-enter the beech forest coming down the west side of the loop. This section of the track part is wetter, winding above and crossing a modest stream. There are small waterfalls with moss-covered rocks. At the bottom, it is a short walk near Temple Stream back to the campsite.

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