Te Ara Tirohanga

Hutt Valley

Te Ara Tirohanga

Te Ara Tirohanga is a steep hike up to Remutaka Trig. It is accessed from State Highway 2, which climbs over the Remutaka Range between the Hutt Valley and Featherston. A zigzag track leads up the mountain's face, which is covered in regenerating native forest.

It is accessible very close to where the highway crosses the range. Travelling east to Wairarapa, look to your right. It is not well signposted, but you should be able to see the large car park bay as you approach from either side.

The track is a half-hour to the top and is steep walking, so allow an hour. Attempting the trail in bad weather is not advised as it is pretty exposed and only becomes windier the higher you get.

In good weather, the top offers wide views of the valleys below in all directions. But even in the cloud, it is an extraordinary place to explore, with myriad mosses and lichen, not to mention native birds.

If you don’t have time for the hike, stop at the Remutaka Lookout.

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