Te Anau Lakefront


Te Anau is an easy town to get around. Walk or cycle along the lakefront from the Upukerora River mouth to the Waiau River lake outlet just north of town. This is the start of the Kepler Track, one of NZ’s Great Walks. For cyclists, the track joins with the Lake2Lake Trail, which connects Te Anau to Manapouri.

Starting from the north, the track provides views across the lake and of a developing suburb of Te Anau. As you continue south, you pass a marina. Note the whacky swan boats, one of which was half-drowned! There is an adjacent park and reserve with mature exotic trees. Continuing, the track changes from a metal road to Te Anau Terrace for cyclists and the Te Anau Waterfront Walkway for walkers. This takes you past the town centre and the various waterfront tourism service providers, with great views across the lake.

At the south end of the town, the track is shared again. Pass the excellent DOC Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre and then the Marakura Wharf (popular with photographers). The Punanga Manu o Te Anau / Te Anau Bird Sanctuary and the chance to see very rare tākahe up close is next. You can also walk through the sanctuary, across the main road to the Ivon Wilson Recreation Reserve and Lake Henry, or continue around the lake to the Lake2Lake and Kepler tracks.

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