Tasman Glacier

South Canterbury

From a pure skiing perspective, the Tasman Glacier Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park is straightforward and mostly relatively flat. But the upside is the amazing location, between the Malte Brun Range to the east and the series of 3,000+ metre peaks starting with Aoraki Mt Cook to the southwest. The glacier itself rises to 2,800 metres to Hochstetter Dome to the northeast.

Higher up, there is a bit more of a slope with the opportunity to ski among large ice and crevasse formations. The guides are top-notch, so all the risks are well-managed. With some luck, you can ski through an ice arch.

Lower down, there is a long (several kilometres) and wide flat section before a stop for lunch. If the weather remains good, you get a second run if you are up for it.

There are operators who provide guides and access by plane or helicopter.

Photos provided by Alex (@deurlix) and Julia (@julia.garnier23)

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