Sentinel Rock

Glacier Country

Sentinel Rock

Sentinel Rock is an easily accessible highpoint with views over the Waiho Valley and to the terminus of Franz Josef Glacier / Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere. Follow the short 200-metre track from the south end of the main car park at the end of the access road. This climbs about 50 metres for views of the Glacier and the Waiho River.

This is also the best spot to understand how the environment has changed, with information panels showing the 3 km glacial retreat over the last 100 years. The rock itself only emerged from the ice in 1865, having been ground into a “moutonnee”, or a rock with the rounded shape of a sheep’s back. As the ice retreated, the scrub and forest developed, with plants setting and growing amongst the post-glacial moraine and rubble.

The walk only takes 20 minutes, and is easy to tag onto the Douglas Walk.

Thanks to Georgia (@the_cornishpixie) and Jan Rozen for the photos.

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