Routeburn Day Trip


The Routeburn Track (along with the Milford Track) is probably the premier Great Walk. You will typically see it in books with titles like “The 100 Best Walks in the World”. It is only a 32 km, two-and-a-half day hike if you want to do the whole trip, and there is a glamping option (which is exceptional!). We even have friends who have run it in a day.

But running aside, make sure you book accommodation in advance if you want to do the whole trip, and it can be difficult to book. Fortunately, you can access some of the best sections with half-day to full-day options.

From Te Anau, it is a one-hour drive along Te Anau Milford Highway to The Divide car park and the Routeburn westside track entrance. From there, it is a three-hour return hike to Key Summit. It’s continuously uphill but not too tough, and the views and “alpine garden” are magical at the top. For a day trip, continue to Lake Howden and Earland Falls before turning around.

If you access the Routeburn from the Glenorchy/Lake Wakatipu end, there is a six-hour return walk to Falls Hut. The first, mostly flat, part of the walk takes you to the Flats Hut and Campsite, which is about two hours. From there, it is a 40-minute hike up to Routeburn Falls. If you have the time and energy, continue towards Lake Harris and the Harris Saddle (an hour each way). Try not to get too distracted by the scenery and allow plenty of time to get back!

Even in summer, be aware of the risk of changeable weather, especially if going to Harris Saddle.

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Routeburn Track

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