Pōkeno Falls


Pōkeno Falls

Pōkeno Falls is an attractive 6-metre waterfall a few minute's drive from the Pōkeno northbound offramp of the Waikato Expressway. Heading south from the offramp, turn left at the roundabout onto Dean Road, then right onto Fraser Road, which becomes McIntosh Drive, and finally left onto Te Ara Aukati Terrace. You will see the waterfall reserve on your left. Follow the 5-minute track to the bottom of the falls, or cross the bridge to walk to the top of the falls.

The reserve is surrounded by a mix of farmland and urban development, but it has been replanted with native shrubs and trees, and it will improve as these grow out. In addition to the main falls, there is a connecting stream with a smaller waterfall to the east.

Walking down the main track, you will also see the remains of an early flour mill with an interesting explanatory panel. Te Wheoro, a supporter of the government invasion of the Waikato in 1863, owned the mill, one of many that predated the invasion. The disruption of war and land confiscations ended many Māori-owned businesses in the region.

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