Omanawanui Track

West Auckland

Omanawanui, a Hillary Trail Te Ara Tūhura section in the Waitakere Ranges, is on the north side of the Manukau Harbour entrance. It is one of the best coastal walks in New Zealand. It is mostly an open, sometimes exposed track with many steps over two steep peaks (ancient volcano cores) along the edge of the cliff above the harbour. One end is high on Whatipu Road, where the Puriri Ridge Track ends and the other is at Whatipu near the car park. There is a large camping ground, plus beach access from this car park, so it is an excellent overnight stay option on Te Ara Tūhura.

The high point of Omanawanui is spectacular, with the track passing directly over the top. There is a viewing platform clear of obstructions, with 360-degree views over the Manukau Harbour, Whatipu, and across the Waitakere Ranges. The peak is a stunning ancient volcanic core, very steep towards the top, with a nearly sheer cliff drop to the harbour.

You can start at either end if you are doing Omanawanui as a shorter walk. It is easiest from Whatipu Road, where the Puririr Track ends, as you start much higher up and close to the 241-metre high point. However, there is room for only 3 to 4 car parks in two locations with access to the track. If you can take this option, the first section is quite an easy boardwalk through a regenerating kauri forest. A short, steep climb to the high point follows this and takes 20 to 40 minutes, depending on which car park you start at.

Coming from the Whatipu end is a steeper climb with much more vertical. It takes about 90 minutes to reach the highest peak. It starts with a 180-metre climb to one of the best viewing seats in the region, overlooking Whatipu and the Manukau Heads. It also has the best view along the ridge to the Omanawanui Track highpoint. After this, the track drops down a quite exposed section by 80 metres. It crosses a bridge over a gully, then a short climb over a small rocky peak. After this, a section through coastal scrub to another very steep set of steps to the spectacular views of the track highpoint.

Unless you have two cars, go back the way you came.

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