Oio Road

Whanganui National Park

Oio Road

Oio Road provides Whakahoro and Blue Duck Station access from State Highway 4. Turn off about 1.6 km after Owhango, heading south. It is also a reminder of the limits of colonisation and the cut-it-down thinking that drove European settlement of NZ.

About halfway along the road is a curious stopping place, with a monument to those from the area who died in the world wars, an unusual see-through horse statue and a history board. But the ruined house nearby probably sums it up – it was pretty tough.

As you drive in further, you get a sense of how changeable the landscape can be, with the now metal road affected by storms and erosion. There are spectacular views of the river below, but don’t worry, it is safe to drive. This section of the road is also part of the Mountains to Sea Trail, so keep an eye out for cyclists.

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