Mou Waho

Queenstown Lakes

Mou Waho is a stunning eco-island in Lake Wānaka. It is not as well known as That Wānaka Tree, Mt Iron, or the hike up Roy’s Peak, protected by the fact that it is an island about a third up the lake. But it is gaining popularity due to the astonishing view of the lake within a lake, which you get from a stunning clifftop high point.

It takes about 30 minutes to get from the town to the small wharf (where you can get on and off the boat) on the island's east side. If you have your boat, park by the beach north of the wharf. A small DOC campground and facilities are next to the wharf and beach.

From the campground, follow the obvious track through regenerating forest for a 200-metre climb to the top of the cliff and high point of the island. Along the way, you will pass Arethusa Pool, which the cliff towers over. From the rocky platform at the top, you will get a fantastic shot back towards Wānaka, looking over the pool. On the way back, swim in the pool if it’s warm enough!

As a wildlife sanctuary, bird life is a feature. There are many korimako (bellbirds) and south island weka. The weka will ignore you while pecking for picnic scraps around your feet.

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