Marian Creek Waterfalls


The Marian Creek waterfalls are a short, easy, 10-minute walk along the Lake Marian Track from the car park on Lower Hollyford Road, Fiordland. After crossing a swingbridge over the Hollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka, there is a short uphill walk through a beautiful forest to Marian Creek. Although this waterway is described as a “creek", the water flow is not gentle.

As the track approaches the creek, it becomes a boardwalk fixed to the side of the rock face above a series of tumbling waterfalls, complete with huge boulders and the odd tree trunk. The falls drop about 60 to 80 metres along the 100-metre boardwalk.

The walk is very easy, and almost anyone can do it. The boardwalk has a safety barrier, but keep an eye on small children. It can be slippery, and there is a section where you can access a rock platform beyond the barrier.

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