Lyall Bay

Wellington City

Lyall Bay

From Taputeranga Marine Reserve in Wellington, continue along the south coast through Houghton Bay, Waitaha Cove, and another rocky section at Arthur’s Nose to reach Lyall Bay. The road becomes Lyall Bay Parade, and this bay marks the end of the west side of Wellington's south coast, with the airport providing a boundary to the east. Beachfront parking can be found along the road.

The area around the bay is more suburban than the other western south coast bays, and the beach is much wider. It is also sandy and is the best option for typical beach activities, including swimming and boating. An ongoing attempt is being made to restore the once substantial dunes around the beach with plantings of dune grasses and shrubs.

It is also the only significant surf beach in Wellington with two surf lifesaving clubs, one of which has a cafe. It is the perfect place to take a break from wandering around the south coast.

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