Lupins of Mackenzie Country

Mackenzie Country

Lupins of Mackenzie Country

Lupins have become a particularly striking feature of Canterbury’s Mackenzie Country. They pop up in late spring and early summer. The plants were introduced from the UK sometime in the 1940s / 1950s. One story suggests that Connie Scott deliberately brought seeds from the UK and spread them along the roads to add colour to the otherwise austere environment. Despite the fast-growing flowers being considered a weedy pest species, they help restore damaged soil. Surrounding stations are also using lupins as animal feed.

Regardless, 75 years later, the colourisation plan worked, and they are now a spectacular sight in December and January. Coloured fields, roadside and lakeside wilding gardens are visible. The array of colours is also incredible. The flowers are generally blue through purple, but look more closely to see all the colours of the rainbow.

The lupins in NZ originated in the Mediterranean. Romans planted them throughout Europe over 2,000 years ago! Today, they are a popular snack in the Middle East. They are also native to the Americas, with the Mackenzie being their latest conquest!

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