Lake Monowai


Lake Monowai is one of the more accessible entry points into Fiordland, offering hikes and a DOC campground. Lake Monowai Road is signposted about 35 km north of Clifden on the Southern Scenic Route. From there, it is about 14 km to the lake, the last half of which is a well-maintained metal section.

On a misty, overcast day, the lake and river below the hydro control outlet have an almost prehistoric quality. A small forest area was drowned by the raising of the lake for power generation, and the stumps are still visible. Below the lake is a quintessential “black lagoon”. The lake’s name is also a point of interest, being a corruption of the Māori “Manokiwai” by an early English explorer with inadequate language skills, who rationalised it as an amalgam of mono (one in Greek) and wai (water) to mean “one water”.

From the car park, it is an easy walk around the outlet to Monowai River. Alternatively, take the 1.2 km flat Monowai Lookout Track through beech forest for a better lake view. The Burnt Ridge Track is a longer but still easy option that takes you from the Lake to Borland Lodge on Borland Road (3 hours return). Tougher and longer tramping options include the 17 km Green Lake Track to Borland Road via the Green Lake hut. Allow a full day for this walk. Another option is the 10 km Rodger Inlet Track to the Rodger Inlet hut on the west side of the lake, with another 3.5 km and 800-metre climb for views over the region.

In addition to the campground at Monowai, there is basic lodge accommodation at the Borland Lodge on Borland Road. More options can be found at the small hamlet of Monowai, established next to the power generation plant fed by the Monowai River.

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