Karamatura Track

West Auckland

Karamatura Track

The Karamatura Track, accessible from the road between Huia and Little Huia, is currently the start of the Hillary Trail Te Ara Tūhura. Camping is available on the far side of the stream, not far beyond the entrance and car park.

These are superb walking tracks. At the outset, you can either walk along an old forest tramway path above the Karamatura Stream or take a higher path through a section of recovering kauri forest. Either way, continue a short distance to a couple of waterfalls beyond the point where the track heads up the side of the gully. Then, reverse back to the main track and start the steep climb with many steps.

It’s about a 250-metre climb, and the first 100 metres are especially steep. But the forest is beautiful, and once near the top, there is a gently undulating section with several boardwalks to the intersection of the Karamatura Track and the Don McLean Track.

The Don McLean Track section is also relatively gentle as it follows the ridge line to the car park just below the peak of Te Rau o te Huia Mt Don McLean. You can take the short 15-minute walk to the top of the mountain (389 metres high), with fantastic views out to Whatipu, or continue on the Puriri Track to connect with the extraordinary Omanawanui Track on the south side of Whatipu Road.

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