Harker Reserve


Harker Reserve

Harker Reserve is only a few minutes' drive from Tuakau Bridge on Tuakau Bridge Road (southwest side of the bridge). The 3 km track, which links Tuakau Bridge Road to Miller Road, was originally the access road to Onewhero but now takes you through native forest and farmland, ending near the Vivian Falls / Te Wai Heke a Maoa. The track is well-graded for easy walking, but there is a short side loop, which is more of a tramping track and likely to be muddy after rain. This loop takes you to the stream along the gully below the main track.

Unusually, the Harker Reserve is private land. In 1982, the family protected 25 hectares of forest under a Queen Elizabeth II covenant, and the Vivian Falls / Te Wai Heke a Maoa were subsequently added.

Allow about an hour each way to do the tracks, but you will probably want to spend some time by the very attractive waterfall. A panel also explains an interesting piece of Māori history and, hence, its Māori name. If you prefer to visit the waterfall, it is only a few minutes from the Miller Road car park.

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