Forgotten World Highway

King Country

Forgotten World Highway

The 149 km Forgotten World Highway, State Highway 43, starts in Taumarunui in the King Country and ends in Stratford in Taranaki. It is actually well named as it is one of the most remote major highways in NZ, with only one town with any services, Whangamomona. It is also extremely hilly and windy in parts, and crosses several saddles at around 300 to 400 metres.

From Taumarunui, the road initially follows the Whanganui River, with the option of a rain forest walk at Te Maire. It goes through a series of farmed valleys before climbing up to the Paparata Saddle. The next section is much more rugged, with the road turning to a metal surface through the Tangarakau Gorge. Points of interest include the much-photographed Moki tunnel, the short walk at Morgans Grave and the gorge itself.

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If you have extra time, there are side trips to the 73 metre high Mount Damper Falls along Moki Road and Mangapapa Road. There are also dead-end roads to remote farms and stations, including the Bridge to Somewhere(!)

After the tunnel the road heads into an extensive series of steep erosion prone hills with several saddles to cross. Make sure you allow time for a stop in Whangamomona.

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