Cascade Loop Track


Cascade Loop Track

From the Tarawera Falls viewpoint, you can continue to follow the Tarawera Falls Track as it sidles and zig zags through native forest to the top of the cliff. At the top of the cliff, there is a place where you can look out over the falls from between the rocks and trees, although you can’t see that much. From there, you can follow the short but spectacular Cascade Loop track, which takes about 30 minutes.

Staying to the right where the track divides, walk through a pretty section of forest until you drop down into a natural amphitheatre. There is a second unnamed waterfall where the Tarawera River drops over the top of the 4 to 5-metre cliff. It then flows through the amphitheatre before disappearing into a ravine. It is a magical place, surrounded by interesting and somewhat stunted trees, ferns, lichen and moss.

From the unnamed falls, look for the start of the return part of Cascade Loop. This section of the track follows the river more closely as it tumbles and drops to the underground entrance before the cliff. The track includes a series of steep steps and short bridges around and above the ravine, which is surrounded by native forest.

You may be tempted to swim, but take the warning seriously. The water here is fast-flowing and it’s not far from the underground entrance to the falls! For swimming, continue to follow the main track, which continues towards Lake Tarawera. This takes you to the top of the amphitheatre, and you will find a much better and safer spot further along the river. You can also walk all the way to the river outlet at Lake Tarawera, about 90 minutes each way from the start of the Cascade Loop.

It is only a short walk, but it took us a while and is a fantastic way to complete a visit to Tarawera Falls.

Note that neither Google Maps nor Topo Map show the loop track, but our map below shows the way. The trail is also well-signposted and easy to follow once you’re there. Watch out as there is also the similarly-named Te Auheke Cascades Track in the same region.

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