
Central Otago


Bendigo is on the east side of Lake Dunstan and is a short side trip from the main highway. It was once a local centre for gold mining, but it is now better known for grapes, which cover much of the surrounding countryside.

There is not much more than a sign and the remains of a stone cottage at Bendigo, but if you follow the signposted dirt road up the side of the Dunstan Range for about 10 minutes (fine for cars), you will reach the ghost towns of Logantown and Welshtown.

From there, you can walk for an hour (on a short loop track) or on a longer trail around the remnants of mine shafts, workings, and stone houses. There are also great views back across the valley to the Pisa Range. You will be well below the winter snow line unless there is a freak storm.

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