Alps 2 Ocean – Lake Ohau to Omarama


Alps 2 Ocean – Lake Ohau to Omarama

The section of the Alps 2 Ocean – Lake Ohau to Omarama, is rated up to grade 3 (intermediate). Starting from the Lake Ohau Lodge driveway, the trail traverses the lower slopes of the Ohau range on the Tarnbrae Track in the Ruataniwha Conservation Park. This section has stunning views back across the basin to the Ben Ohau Range. It’s a steady climb to the high point on the track at 900m and is hot work in summer.

Once at the high point, it is a rolling descent, with a couple of tight hairpins, to the historic woolshed at the top of Quailburn Road. Toilets and parking are available here.

On the way down Quailburn Road, you can turn onto Henburn Road (36km) and take a side trip to see the Clay Cliffs (an extra 14 km return).

Where Quailburn Road meets the highway, take the off-road trail which leads through the Ahuriri Camp Ground (42 km). Exit the camp ground and cross over the Ahuriri River using the road bridge. A short off-road trail then takes you to Omarama for an overnight stay.

The next section, Omarama to Kurow, runs south past Lake Bemore into the Waitaki Valley.

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