Mountains to Sea – Mangaparua Track to Pipiriki

Mountains to Sea

The section of the Mountains to Sea cycle trail between Mangapurua Track and Pipiriki has a narrow path above a gorge prone to slips. Check it’s open at trail status before you commit!

The 36 km Mangapurua Track climbs to a trig and winds through Whanganui National Park, along the valley and bluff faces, across ravines, and over the Bridge to Nowhere. It ends at Mangapurua Landing on the Whanganui River for a 32 km jet boat ride to Pipiriki at the start of the Whanganui River Road section. You’ll need to book the jet boat ride in advance.

The area along the Mangapurua and Kaiwhakauka tracks was offered to soldiers returning from WWI in 1917. Forty soldiers plus their families established farms, but 25 years later, the treacherous access road was closed due to slips. Today, native forest is reclaiming the area, but you will see signs of the past attempts to farm it as you ride through.

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