


Lawrence is a historic town on State Highway 8 between Dunedin and Alexandra. It was Otago’s, and indeed NZ’s, first gold rush town following the discovery of gold at nearby Gabriel’s Gully in 1861. Its population peaked at 11,500, double that of Dunedin at the time, making it one of the largest communities in the country. Gold effectively bankrolled the development of Otago and paid for much of the heritage buildings around Dunedin. Lawrence was a key point on the routes to the Central Otago goldfields, including Gabriels Gully.

Today, the town only has 450 people. However, as you go through Lawrence on State Highway 8, you get a sense of colonial heritage. The best idea is to head up to Colonsay St on the ridge above the main street. The combination of large heritage buildings is unique. It includes churches, community buildings, and an old courthouse.

The main street also has a nice collection of cafes and shops and various references to local history. Near the entrance to Gabriels Gully Road are many mining artefacts and the pretty Bellview Wetlands Reserve.

Lawrence is also a feature on the Clutha Gold Cycle Trail for cyclists, which starts in Alexandra and then runs down the Clutha River valley, through Lawrence, then on to Waihola.

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