Lake Daniell Track

West Coast North

Lake Daniell Track

Access to Lake Daniell Track to Lake Daniell is about 20 km from Lewis Pass on the west side. It sits within the Maruia Waka Huia special biodiversity area and hence receives a big investment in pest elimination. At one stage, the intention was to mill the giant red beech trees you will walk through. Fortunately, this didn’t happen, and it is now considered one of the country's best-preserved and protected beech forests.

To say it is exceedingly pretty is an understatement. The walk starts at the DOC Marble Hill campground. Shortly after the start, you cross the Sluice Box bridge over an especially photogenic short gorge. It then more or less follows a river, including several high points, before reaching Lake Daniell. You can swim and access the river at several points along the way.

The track is relatively easy, with no major climbs. Allow 2.5 hours each way, or stay the night at the DOC hut and campsite beside the lake.

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